Sunday 19 April 2009

Home run

All Your Base (warning huge post)

The Base is near finished, painting completed It is some awaiting minor last minute details
( Plant matter sand/dirt particles) Which can only be added after spider positioning.)

I also used a clear satin lacquer to add area's of moister, something the matt emulsion was lacking. I'm looknig into adding area's of pooled water (possible resin). Image above shows the current level of texture and detail. (I still have the problem with the texture looking butter up close, and somewhat monotone at a distance) Hopefully a spider walking around it will solve the problem.


Although time is running out, there's always time for experiments. Here is the Abdomen cast in Easy flow Clear, with the addition of red and orange flow to mimic veins and tissue detail.

The amount of air bubbles inside the resin made the translucence near opaque. Because of the exothermic reaction Placing the material in a vacuum to remove air waited time, so resin cured

Using a tray made from a vacuum former, the easy flow was spread across a wide surface. This helped prevent heat build up slowed the cure time, meaning air could be remove in a vaccuum.

Bag 'o' Sweets

Ever component is ready for painting, The leg were cast using a mixture of

104 grams (optic-clear 31)
10 Drops orange (Tria Ink)
.825 ml of So (Strong White PU pigment Solution) - (solution strength 1 part pigment / 50 part opti-clear-31 part B)

This gave me the perfect amount to fill 2 leg moulds so that the semi-opacity changes as the thickness of the leg increases.


The dorsal spines of the Dysdera Crocata are essential for Species identification. Having tested various methods of production the most successful is using fibre optic wire.

-Each spine is cut to length
-Sanded to a point using a cordless drill
-Polished back
-stained with Tria Inks
-Laqured to regain transarentcey.

---Painting Has Begun----

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